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Ideal Music Toolkit Get SongBook and set up your site today. Purchase Theme d d d d d Scroll d
Great Assortment of

Superb Homepages

Stretch everyone’s musical imagination and introduce them to your music school with SongBook’s impressive collection of homepages.

Slide Practical Event Pages VIEW MORE d d d d d d Present your future students with the courses you offer and add all the necessary information about each of your classes using SongBook’s fully customizable and appealing event templates.
Extensive Collection of

Engaging Inner Pages

Present every single aspect of your music school, introduce the team, share pricing plans, and far more with SongBook’s inner page layouts.

Slide d d d d Blogging Made Fun Start your blog today! Help people keep their finger on the pulse of the music, share tips & tricks on how to improve their skills, and more using our customizable blog list and single post templates. VIEW MORE landing-rev-img landing-rev-img-1 m
Cultivating Artistry

Break into the Big Time with
The Amazing SongBook

Vefurinn tónfræð er rekinn af tónlistarkennurunum Christinu van Deventer og Dr. Braga Þór Valssyni.

Starfsmenntunarsjóður FT styrkti hönnun og þróun vefsins. Sterkar Strandir, Þróunarsjóður námsgagna og Námsefnissjóður Sítón og Menntamálaráðuneytisins styrktu viðbætur við hann.

Hafið endilega samband í tölvupósti til að koma með tillögur að nýju efni eða bjóðast til að framleiða efni.

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